Last year the National Cancer Istitute created a stir by publishing the truth, the moleculs in pot kills lung and breast cancer in lab tests. A laboratory study of delta-9-THC in hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) cells showed that it damaged or killed the cancer cells. The same study of delta-9-THC in mouse models of liver cancer showed that it had antitumor effects. Delta-9-THC has been shown to cause these effects by acting on molecules that may also be found in non-small cell lung cancer cells and breast cancer cells. A laboratory study of cannabidiol in estrogen receptor positive and estrogen receptor negative breast cancer cells showed that it caused cancer cell death while having little effect on normal breast cells.” Let's make hemp the #1 crop www.hempourfuture.com Let's make Hemp the #1 crop www.hempourfuture.com https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=716350758455051&id=341163402640457 This is a fantastic article from Wake Up World. Yolanda Bertaud shares her knowledge on how to make tinctures and ghee and also the difference between Marijuana and Hemp. Yolanda Bertaud, MSOM, HHP, CH. is an Holistic Health Practitioner, Chinese Herbalist and researcher with a Masters of Science and Oriental Medicine. At this point in time, it is illegal to consume hemp products even with its low THC content. Eating Hemp is like drinking non alcoholic beer, as non alcoholic beer will not get you intoxicated nor will hemp get you high. Let's make hemp the #1 crop www.hempourfuture.com http://wakeup-world.com/2013/02/11/hemp-uses-and-cures-ghee-and-herbal-extract-recipes-included/ This Arctical was written by Marco Torres, he was asked as a guest writer by www.wakeup-world.com This article also has some great references to do with hemp and how it benifits the human body and how good it is for the healing process for a lot of diseases. Let's make hemp the #1 crop www.hempourfuture.com http://wakeup-world.com/2014/08/18/5-reasons-to-juice-rather-than-smoke-cannabis/ Approximately 106,000 Americans die from prescription drugs each year, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association. All the more amazing that the young woman in this video, who at age 16 was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (which snowballed into lupus and other autoimmune conditions), was able to get off of over 40 medications by using raw cannabis juice, according to her physician, Dr. Courtney. Raw cannabis is non-psychoactive, and is the way it was used for hundreds of thousands of year like our hunter and gatherer ancestors. This Article was written by Dr. Matt Stone on May 31, 2014
Press ReleaseDr. Matt Stone, PHD Chief of Staff, Wyoming Institute of Technology June 1st, 2014 For Immediate Release Cheyenne, WY – Hepatitis C has negatively impacted millions of lives, and medical researchers have tried for decades to develop a vaccine with no luck. But today, our team at the Wyoming Institute of Technology is pleased to announce that, with the help of our pharmaceutical partners, we’ve cracked the code and can deliver a cost-effective vaccine and cure to the world within the next 14 to 18 months… and we owe it all to cannabis. Our research into the field of hepatitis C vaccination began last fall, after one of our interns had alleged that she had completely “cured” herself of hepatitis C by edifying and vaporizing a strain of cannabis that she herself had invented, which she calls “Chunky Crimson.” Upon further investigation, we found that she had not actually cured herself completely, but her initial findings prompted us to launch a full study, which began in our facility in Denver, Colorado in January of 2014. Please click on the link below to read the whole article - See more at: http://witscience.org/marijuana-can-cure-hepatitis-c-wit-research-shows/#sthash.EZY5Bkhy.dpuf |
January 2016